Wednesday, September 23, 2009

"Adapting to Diverse Science Culture for Development"

Science is a very important subject to us. It gives discipline to oneself and it elevates the standard of living. Science is a knowledge that can be measured precisely. Science have many branches such as Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Botany, Zoology, and many more.
Science is part of our everyday life. We should love this subject and learned to adapt about the science culture. In Environment, we should save our Mother Earth for better future. We should plant trees to avoid any pollution. And don't throw garbages in the bodies of water to prevent pollution. If we'll not keep our Environment clean we'll be the one to suffered. Because of science many technologies have been discovered and improved and it helps a man to make his/her work easier.
Science we love you... Mother Earth we will save you to any harm... Keep cleanliness and orderliness to prevent pollution and to have a better future. Science is our life.

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